From The Hill Of HALC
‡[ A special message for young people who are interested in working for and with humans
Shinseikai is a social welfare corporation established for the purpose of caring aged people. In 2017 we celebrated our 60th anniversary, and we are now serving more than 500 residents with over 300 staff members. We can say that our staff forms a wonderful community of workers.
Our objective is gthe realization of social welfare as cultureh. Our motto isgC.S.C. (Culture, Share, and Care)h. In Japanese, our motto is ghagukumu, wakachiau, and sasaeauh.
In our society, the spirit represented by our motto seems to be neglected. As a result, many people suffer and find it difficult to live. What we need is the spirit of love that wishes to create culture for other people, share experiences with them, and care for them physically and mentally. If the number of people who understand the importance of our motto increases and our society becomes mature, peace will begin to prevail in the world, and the whole society will change for the better.
Shinseikai aims to provide social services to aged people in the spirit of our motto, and by so doing, create a new society. For this purpose, we must strengthen ourselves and continue to send out our messages to the world.
At present, we are recruiting staff members in two capacities: care workers and kitchen workers, including qualified chefs. The responsibility of the care workers is to look after the health problems of the residents. The responsibility of the kitchen workers is to provide healthy and tasty food. I am hoping that many young people will apply for these important positions. Let us work together to create a new society based on our motto and to increase the happiness of humankind.
I am praying that this message will reach many young people. Our doors are always open, and we welcome new encounters. Finally, I should like to quote the words of Jo Niigima, the founder of Doshisha Univerity in Kyoto.
gConscience-filled strong hearts, rise and come to us.h

iTranslatorF Nobuyuki Yuasaj